Friday 31 August 2007


有次要帶Lupus 返屯門醫院骨科部照腳仔 X-ray跟住見醫生。媽咪喺前一日就同佢講定 , 等佢有心理準備。解釋完什麼喺 X-ray 同埋要入一間特別嘅房到照之後 , Lupus 有少少擔憂同有D驚 , 捉住媽咪隻手話 : 「媽咪 , will you stay in the room with Baby?」
媽咪 : 「I'm not sure if I can stay in the room with you or not. Don't worry! You just have to stay calm, ok?」
Lupus :「But I need to hold your hands!」仲開始眼泛淚光。
媽咪 : 「Why?」
Lupus : 「因為我鍾意媽咪嫁嘛!」

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